Monday 20 August 2012

London's Killer Smog

Air pollution is another result of the pollution created by the Industrial Revolution. There is a great smog that is slowly constricting the city and anything and everything that lives within. This smog made of gases and fumes admitted from the surrounding industrial buildings is clinging to the city declaring that the sky is to be a dirty yellow-brown. This smog is killing what inhabits it, deaths spiked in 1873 by 40%. As a result of breathing the air of London constantly has made many ill, mostly resulting in death or permanent damage. the smog, I've heard, is sometimes so think that men with horse and carriage has to hop down and lead the horses on foot with a candle in order to warn of their approach through the murk. The smog has not yet lifted and still poisons the lungs of all who breath it. Again as the city develops the smog and its poisons with only worsen and will be a result of many more deaths.                     

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