Wednesday, 18 July 2012

The Open-field System

I have reached 1715, I was hear in a flash, literally. I walk threw a little farming town, Framlingham I think. Stress and exhaustion is written on every single person's face that I past. They all seem to hauling heavy carts full of equipment. This is because of a system called the Open-field System, this means that owners crops are scattered all over the place hence I guess this is why these people are carting their equipment long distances. There is a lot of land not being used, this is called Common Land, where no matter if you are poor or rich your can let your animals graze, there is also Waste land where people place their pigs to graze. This land is also were the 'locals' gathered wood for their fires to keep warm during these harsh winters. There are no fences, the animals are drifting where they please, eating the plants that grow in the crops. For most their crops are all they have, animals eating these crops is not a good thing. This system may be fair but is defiantly not efficient. They should enclose the land and use some of the Waste and Common Land for crops. I have a sketch  of the Open-field system.    

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